Last week I had a very quick trip up to see Brenda and the kiddos (bringing Brenda a new car! You have to say this like a Gameshow host, "A NEEWWW CARRR!!!" ) Her old Passat finally gave up the ghost. She's excited to finally have something trustworthy.

Thursday morning I got to see the kiddos' school as we dropped them off. Then we headed over to SF where Brenda had to be in a surgery at St Mary's Hospital.

But first we HAD to see the Painted Ladies! Everyone stands in the park across the street to take photos and selfies of these wonderful old houses. Just about everyone sees them and says, "Full House!"

Next we went to eat at a great little corner lunch place. I then dropped Brenda at the hospital and parked and walked across the street to Golden Gate Park. I really couldn't explore too far, I was afraid I'd get lost and not get back out in time to pick her up when she was done.

But I did get to see some very pretty parts, even in a short amount of time. A pre-school was having a very literal field-trip in the Fuchsia Dell. Sure enough, there are many pretty fuchsia growing there... and a huge berry patch, too. I could have picked and eaten plenty, but left them for the locals (maybe homeless people know of them and come to get their Vitamin C?)
Exploring a tiny bit further into the park (I really only stayed at the very eastern end,) I suddenly came upon the Conservatory of Flowers! SO pretty, so many flowers! I didn't go into the white glass building but just snapped a ton of pics outside.... with just my phone!

I made it back to the Hospital just as Brenda was coming out, and we then drove down to Daly City to pick up something for work. We could see the fog coming in, silently creeping over the trees and trying to spill into the streets, but it was just too warm for it to get very far that time of day. I tried taking pictures, but vapor just doesn't really show well.

And one more thing. If you've ever wondered where the borax you buy comes from, this is a photo of it, a deep mine in Boron, California. I had a window seat and used the map on my phone to track where we were. This hole in the ground is BIG!
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