Okay, so my husband used to say, if he came upon a really dusty shelf - which RARELY happened in our house (ha ha ha , don't we wish,) he would say, "You could grow a garden in here!"
Well, I've managed to keep weird things from growing on bookshelves and other odd places over the years, and most of the time it's a real challenge to get many things to grow, especially in the summer here in AZ. I always love when there's a surprise, a volunteer, a random plant (like a squash plant I recently found growing in our garden behind some onions.)

That, my friends, is a Morning Glory trying to find some daylight. It is not my great knowledge or flowers that told me what it was, but rather the fact that a friend had given me some seeds and I remembered dropping one down the drain
Which brings us to the next topic, the reason a seed could even take root in a bathroom sink. Well, this sink was quite clogged, and I'd been wanting to clean it out. I knew it was all my hair plugging it up . . . that's been a given in this house forever, with all the girls. I'd cleaned out the bathtub drain more times than I care to remember, a really yucky job I call pulling up the rat. It usually required a pair of needle-nose pliers and a strong stomach.
But the sink was different, I couldn't get the plug up , it wouldn't just pop out. I was stymied.
SO, off to the internet I ran, and easily found a wonderful tutorial (And doesn't it always crack you up how even the most random search you start to type into the bar, the internet offers up the exact same search? Someone else had already gone looking! I bet you could type in Angelina Jolie nose hairs and Google or Yahoo would complete the phrase - somebody else had already been curious before you!)
But I digress - here's the youtube link if you ever feel the need to unclog your bathroom sink.
And here is the treasure I found down in my bathroom sink's 'garden'. Lovely little rat, all black and slimy. That is the first of two such clogs I fished out with a straightened hanger. (and don't you just love the myriad ways wire coat hangers have served us? I bet that's a blog entry all on its own.)
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