I awoke this morning remembering we have a passel of children here, and snuck into Courtney's (Jonah's) room to close the blinds and shut the door so she'd sleep just a little longer. These events that rob her of sleep just leave her fried. When I came down at 6:15 there were already 3 kiddos on the couch watching some cartoon. They navigate Netflix way better than their Nana.

Breakfast was scrambled eggs and leftover birthday cake and fruit. See how I snuck that cake in there in between the healthy stuff, so you might not catch that the kiddos had CAKE for breakfast? To me it was a square donut, or tall pancakes - it's just a different version of starch and sugar. Were I to sprinkle cinnamon and pecans on it and tell you it's a coffee cake, it'd totally be legit! Nana's get to push the envelope like that.

Oh, but before that, before the sun could fully be up and fry everyone to a crisp, we had swimming. Little Ads is sporting her UV Zip up suit... sort of like long johns for the pool. But she's not as interested in swimming as the big kids, so I gave her the hose and let her water the vegetable garden. It seems I snapped this photo just about time she realized there were other things (or people) she could squirt with the hose.
Yep, three-yr-olds are quick to figure out how to maximize the FUN potential in any setting.
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