(If I had music linked here, you'd be listening to Dave Matthews right now.)
This morning's walk with Nichole was SO humid - it felt like Florida out there, after yesterday's torrential deluge. And may I just say, if you were glad of the rain, you can thank me. I deep watered the other day and that instituted the Murphy's law of watering your grass - the rule akin to the one, "If you wash your car, it will soon rain." The rains we've had the last few days have been wonderful.
(I further discovered there is apparently a Murphy's law of garden hoses stating something like, "If there is a split in the hose, the resulting stream will be aimed directly at the person who is turning on the faucet." True story.)
But besides sodden lawns and the seeds and leaves which pooled wherever the sudden rivers took them, we liked watching the ants again. What caught our eye particularly was a group carrying their eggs to another location. We are guessing they had a cave-in someplace down below and were moving the nursery. I've seen it before, the long line of little black or brown critters carrying the starkly white eggs. We traced them a couple of yards to a spot under a bush.
Maybe it is simply to another part of their formicary? (I love that word.) What makes it all so fascinating is the communication involved. Who tells whom to move, how is that info spread?? How do they find that new home and then tell the others? Personally, I could sit and watch them quite a while, they're just so interesting. If the kids had been here, I probably would have come home and taken them over to observe with me.
Oh, and I tried to find an image of ants carrying their eggs, but nothing that was similar to what we saw. BUT, I know you'll love going to look at this link, about the girl who had ants coming out of her eye!!
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