I have the privilege of taking Beth out to a variety of venues, like swim
parties, Karaoke, bingo, a dance every month, and MOVIES, lots of MOVIES. All the
kid movies as well as the majority of the popular ones. I should own stock in
Harkins' popcorn, we eat loads of it. With butter ("Layer it, please!") Yes,
I know it isn't really butter, it's a magical, gacky, oily concoction, but
somehow it's really tasty. And it's free. (we get the popcorn cards, then upgrade to a size we can refill the next time. And then we even bring some home for Beth's sister, Sally. Win-Win!!)
And Beth and I go to one or two movies almost every week.
She LOVES her movies and it is so fun to watch they way she interacts - to her
it is real (for those two hours) and she is living it. The more emotion, the
better. She especially likes contention. Fighting, arguing, VILLAINS!!! She
always sides with the villains. And the handsome fellow is always HER man - she (quietly) shouts at the screen, "Hands off him, lady, he's mine!"
And she talks to the screen quite a bit, she rocks forward in her
excitement as things heat up, and she calls out to the screen - but she knows
she'll get in trouble talking in a movie, so she tries to keep it quiet. And
she further picks up her popcorn bag to the side of her face, as a barrier
between us so I cannot hear her. I've learned to pick seats away from other
folks so she doesn't disturb them. She keeps the volume just to a level that won't get her in trouble.
Even when there isn't any real conflict, she creates her
own. Someone in the movie will yell, "Run, kid!" as a boy is trying to get
away from the baddies, and Beth calls out, "DON'T run!"
My favorite lately happened while watching "What to
Expect When You're Expecting".
There was no conflict, no enemies, no baddies. (she liked
it anyway.) So while a baby was being delivered and the Doc announced to the
mom, "It's a girl!" , Beth under her breath says, "It's a BOY!" She always
has to be contrary.
She LOVES superheroes. So we've seen Iron Man, in all his incarnations, and Batman (Next one comes out July 20th, she tells me all the
time) Spidey is going to be here 3rd of July, I just asked her. She has our summer planned! Next week it'll be a rocking Tom Cruise.
So of course, she talked about AVENGERS for a year.
Because we watch all the movies and see the trailers over and over and over
again, for as long as they are promoting their movie. Avengers has several superheroes, we were there opening day, I think. And then we saw it a second time. I paid attention to her this time (it was my THIRD time watching it,) and she was as entertaining as what was on the screen. It is her absolute involvement in it all that makes it so great to watch. (and she might be integrating it and deciphering it for an hour or two afterwards, her processing takes time.)
This second showing we stayed through the credits (she usually likes to,) to see the little trailer tag at the end. This only was a few seconds long, but showed a red-faced, menacing Alien who will be the next Villain. Oooh, a menacing, villainous VILLAIN!!
This second showing we stayed through the credits (she usually likes to,) to see the little trailer tag at the end. This only was a few seconds long, but showed a red-faced, menacing Alien who will be the next Villain. Oooh, a menacing, villainous VILLAIN!!
Beth was totally there, calling out loudly, "Back off, Avengers, BACK OFF!!"
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