Thursday, June 28, 2012

Priesthood Blessing - a Non-Mormon View

I love that my husband honors his priesthood!  I love that I can ask for and receive a blessing from him when I'm sick, or upset, or just really need comfort.  I love that God has given this power to the earth, and that his worthy followers can bless their families with it.  We have seen profound results from the laying-on of hands.
A non-Mormon observed this and reported it during WWII
During World War II, in the early part of 1944, an experience involving the priesthood took place [and] was related by a correspondent—not a member of the Church—who worked for a newspaper in Hawaii. … He and other correspondents were in the second wave behind the marines at Kwajalein Atoll. As they advanced, they noticed a young marine floating facedown in the water, obviously badly wounded. The shallow water around him was red with his blood. And then they noticed another marine moving toward his wounded comrade. The second marine was also wounded, with his left arm hanging helplessly by his side. He lifted up the head of the one who was floating in the water in order to keep him from drowning. In a panicky voice he called for help. The correspondents looked again at the boy he was supporting and called back, “Son, there is nothing anyone can do for this boy.”
“Then,” wrote the correspondent, “I saw something that I had never seen before.” This boy, badly wounded himself, made his way to the shore with the seemingly lifeless body of his fellow marine. He “put the head of his companion on his knee. … What a picture that was—these two mortally wounded boys—both … clean, wonderful-looking young men, even in their distressing situation. And the one boy bowed his head over the other and said, ‘I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of the priesthood, to remain alive until I can get medical help.’” The correspondent concluded his article: “The three of us [the two marines and I] are here in the hospital. The doctors don’t know [how they made it alive], but I know.”  (the above story was related in Conference by president Thomas S Monson. ) 
The hands of the Aaronic priesthood blessing are on many Jewish graves, this one in Germany.  The Priesthood was on the earth from the beginning.  
 I'm grateful it has been restored to the earth in the latter days.

* The day after I posted this, the abscess behind my crown suddenly flared into action and I was in great, throbbing pain.  I took amoxicillin knowing it would be a day before that would do a thing.  It was late and I didn't want to take the pain meds, but I did ask Jim for a blessing before I went to bed.
I slept just fine and woke to no pain!  Still swollen and plenty of pressure, but only mild pain, I can survive till surgery after the weekend!  

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Back Off, Avengers!

I have the privilege of taking Beth out to a variety of venues, like swim parties, Karaoke, bingo, a dance every month, and MOVIES, lots of MOVIES. All the kid movies as well as the majority of the popular ones.  I should own stock in Harkins' popcorn, we eat loads of it.  With butter ("Layer it, please!")   Yes, I know it isn't really butter, it's a magical, gacky, oily concoction, but somehow it's really tasty.  And it's free. (we get the popcorn cards, then upgrade to a size we can refill the next time.  And then we even bring some home for Beth's sister, Sally.  Win-Win!!)
And Beth and I go to one or two movies almost every week.  She LOVES her movies and it is so fun to watch they way she interacts - to her it is real (for those two hours) and she is living it.  The more emotion, the better. She especially likes contention.  Fighting, arguing, VILLAINS!!!  She always sides with the villains.  And the handsome fellow is always HER man - she (quietly) shouts at the screen, "Hands off him, lady, he's mine!" 

And she talks to the screen quite a bit, she rocks forward in her excitement as things heat up, and she calls out to the screen - but she knows she'll get in trouble talking in a movie, so she tries to keep it quiet.  And she further picks up her popcorn bag to the side of her face, as a barrier between us so I cannot hear her.  I've learned to pick seats away from other folks so she doesn't disturb them.  She keeps the volume just to a level that won't get her in trouble.  
Even when there isn't any real conflict, she creates her own.   Someone in the movie will yell, "Run, kid!" as a boy is trying to get away from the baddies, and Beth calls out, "DON'T run!"  

My favorite lately happened while watching "What to Expect When You're Expecting".
There was no conflict, no enemies, no baddies.  (she liked it anyway.)  So while a baby was being delivered and the Doc announced to the mom, "It's a girl!" ,  Beth under her breath says, "It's a BOY!"    She always has to be contrary.
She LOVES superheroes.  So we've seen Iron Man, in all his  incarnations, and Batman (Next one comes out July 20th, she tells me all the time)   Spidey is going to be here 3rd of July, I just asked her.  She has our summer planned! Next week it'll be a rocking Tom Cruise.

So of course, she talked about AVENGERS for a year.  Because we watch all the movies and see the trailers over and over and over again, for as long as they are promoting their movie.  Avengers has several superheroes, we were there opening day, I think.  And then we saw it a second time.  I paid attention to her this time (it was my THIRD time watching it,) and she was as entertaining as what was on the screen. It is her absolute involvement in it all that makes it so  great to watch.  (and she might be integrating it and deciphering it for an hour or two afterwards, her processing takes time.)  

This second showing we stayed through the credits (she usually likes to,) to see the little trailer tag at the end.  This only was a few seconds long, but showed a red-faced, menacing Alien who will be the next Villain. Oooh, a menacing, villainous VILLAIN!!

 Beth was totally there, calling out loudly, "Back off, Avengers, BACK OFF!!"

Friday, June 1, 2012

They call me Mellow Yellow

So I decided to paint my hall bathroom, it still had the original 12 yr-old paint, and the blue and red and yellow flowers Danielle and I painted in there way back when she was a pre-teen. It was time for a change. The bedroom next to it is turquoise blue (soon to be a pale seafoam green,) and I thought a really pale yellow would look nice in there.
Yellow is my least favorite color, but over the years we have painted yellow walls. It seems to be a good one to go along with other colors. I can't wear yellow clothes, but my walls look fine in it.
     Well, standing in the paint aisle in Home Depot, I discovered about a zillion yellow choices: Vanilla Milkshake, Morning Sunshine, Zinnia Gold, Lemon Drops, Banana Split, Cornsilk, Mellow Yellow, Lemon Souffle, Lemon Poundcake, Lemon Sorbet ... I was getting hungry, and realized one's decision might be made simply by virtue of whether they've had their breakfast yet or not.
      I picked out many paint chips - darker than I wanted, lighter, as yellow as I thought I might be able to handle. Do I want it lemony? Not sure. Greenish? NO! And definitely not heading over to honey or orange. My head was swimming in all the choices. I tipped the little cards, carried them under a different light, tilted them - they kept changing shades... this was not easy.
      I said hello to a little dog in a shopping cart, and his owner leaned over to be friendly. She looked at the mass of yellow in my hands and asked, "So what are you painting?"
 "A hall bathroom."
 "Oh. Well, yellow... won't that make people think of urine? Hey, Bob! She's thinking of painting her bathroom YELLOW!"
 A scruffy mate walked over, "Oh. Isn't that a little like urine?"
      Why thanks ever so much. Howsabout you folks take Bruiser there back to your double-wide and let me make my decision!
      But now I was a little unsure of this. I decided I needed a daughter's opinion. Luckily Chelsea answered her phone and was quick to reassure me. "Nah, Mom. Yellow will be fine. No one's going to think of urine when they walk into the bathroom. Well, unless they already WERE thinking of urine."
     I finally picked a not-too-pale shade of Moonlight and hurried over to the paint guy before I changed my mind again.
     A week later I started pouring paint into the tray, realizing this does look lemony. It looks positively yummy, like some lemon custard filling in a cake. I realized the paint color name choosing people have to be cautious about their naming. Lemon sorbet evokes a lovely sentiment, lemon yogurt not so much. Urine might be descriptive enough, but it will never appear on a paint chip, pretty sure. And I realized even custard might not make it to a paint color chip - there are probably others who, like me, were big Beatles fans and could quickly start humming in their head, "Yellow matter custard, dripping from a ..." Well, you can read the rest here I am the Walrus

My bathroom is all Moonlit now and ready for a new rug and some little hand towels .  Soon I may tackle the bedroom next to it, the one that will be pale green.  Today I got those paint chips.  How do these sound?  Envious Pastel, Misty Lawn, Misty Hillside, Misty Afternoon... those don't sound like Arizona colors, do they? There are Margarita and Olive Martini (someone was thirsty THAT day!)   Toadstool, Trailing vine, and my two favorites - Lazy Caterpillar and Jade Bracelet.  

This is gonna be tough to decide!  Maybe I should head back to Home Depot and see if Bruiser and the folks are there,  I'm sure they have an opinion about painting a room green.