The tree is getting put up today (we can't all be the Russon family, getting theirs up and trimmed while they were pretty much still digging in to Thanksgiving pies.)
I had started early getting out the nativities, since we had a wonderful RS dinner and there were SO MANY awesome nativities on display there!! (serious creche envy on my part.)
And so now I'm putting the many nativities around the house - I think I have like 3 dozen currently - I realized there a couple that simply just stay wrapped up, I don't think they're worth getting out.
They'd most likely make it to this gem of a blog about the WORST nativities. (Yes, those are S'mores in that nativity.) I laughed really hard at the Zombie one, and nearly puked over the MEAT nativity. No kidding! They made it entirely out of meat and it's sitting in the roaster, ready to pop into the oven. *shudder*
You people just have to see for yourself, because most of these are NOT jokes, they are commercial endeavors and made by sincere (albeit possibly twisted,) folks out to make a buck. Go look. Worst Nativities
But first, a pic of a couple of OUR favorite nativities;
The nesting dolls were the best Aubrey could find to bring me back from her mission in Russia, we all treasure them (and Nana reluctantly lets little hands play a little with them.) Дeд Mopoz (Deeyed Morroze) and Снегоричка (Sneg Orzhka), who are Grandfather Frost and the Snow Princess, and a little pine tree to complete the trio.

In front of them is our littlest nativity, it's really tiny and the little kiddos just have so much fun with it every year. (I contend every home should have at least one hands-on nativity for the toddlers - although I crack up when I find barbies and star wars action figures in among the shepherds.)
So Happy Christmas everyone!
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