Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How's th' Weathah?

Okay, on Monday it was still QUITE HOT here. I laughed when I went into the bank and they had to have hot mitts on their west-facing doors.

And then 3 days later Fall finally fell.

We got some storm activity... heavy winds, spotty but heavy-duty rain, it was so fun to finally get some real precipitation!

And apparently I missed THIS:

And then today they had snow up in the mountains, more tomorrow.

It really is lovely to finally get to have COOL weather in the mornings and not have baking afternoons. Talk is we are out of the triple-digits temps at long last.

On Tuesday Beth looked up at the clouds and said, "Wow, it's going to be winter soon!"

Heheh, it won't be quite as soon as she imagines, but anything cooler than our loooonnng, hellish summer will be most welcome.

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