"Fra-JEE-lay! Huh; must be Italian!"
That is what Brenda and I heard from the other room today as I massaged her shoulders.
Jim was in the living room, unpacking a gift I'd bought yesterday.
I called out to him, "It's a MAJOR AWARD!"
And then Brenda continued the dialogue.
"Only one thing in the world could've dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window"
That is what Brenda and I heard from the other room today as I massaged her shoulders.
Jim was in the living room, unpacking a gift I'd bought yesterday.
I called out to him, "It's a MAJOR AWARD!"
And then Brenda continued the dialogue.
"Only one thing in the world could've dragged me away from the soft glow of electric sex gleaming in the window"
But this major award wasn't at all as interesting as a leg-lamp, it was only a new office chair. Jim had finally relented to our spending the money to get him a really good one, since he spent so much time in his office. And I surprised him yesterday with one I'd found at Costco.

And now he was saying, "OH, 'Do not tighten screws completely' Couldn't they have told me on that last step BEFORE I tightened them all the way?"
As he was loosening the screws, we realized he'd put the armrests on backwards; good thing I'd stopped him before he got very far. As he was having to unscrew the 4 screws, I tried not to sound too mocking as I restated, "Be sure not to tighten the screws completely."
I bet he was really appreciating my help about now.
I did eventually prove somewhat useful and we got the back on and it finally looked like a chair. A comfy, lumbar-supporting, "Approved by the American Chiropractic Association" chair.
However, he'd not sat in it yet. At least when I found it at Costco, I could give it a test-run. I was a little nervous he wouldn't like it after 90 minutes of assembly. (I wasn't risking much by bringing it home, Costco has such an awesome return policy.) 

Hurray, he likes it! And at an excellent price, about a quarter of what we expected we'd have to pay for a decent office chair.
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