This has been a roller-coaster day, up and down from start to finish. We began early with little girls sleeping here while momma and daddy were at the hospital welcoming the 4th little Jones girl to the world. She arrived at 6:19, still calling her little BabyCake until Mom and Dad choose her name. But she's a cutie and looks just like her sisters, and she's plenty healthy.... everything you hope for when a new one comes into the world.

But sadly, we also had to say good-bye to a family member. Jim's sister departed this world at 4:30, with Jim there to oversee her being taken off life support, and her son Beau at her side, holding her hand as she slipped quietly away.
We were there in Vegas to see her last weekend, when she was suddenly, finally admitted to the hospital to figure out why she couldn't breath. Her shortness of breath only started in early May, yet here she was end of June with no explanation why her pneumonia wouldn't respond to anything they tried, and all oxygen was offering little help. A lung biopsy finally showed adeno carcinoma, meaning a cancer that started somewhere in an organ and travelled quickly, killing off her lungs. It was a tremendous surprise, she was a healthy 51-yr-old woman, busy and loving life.
She did have a little time to say her goodbyes as family members drove up to Las Vegas to see her over the weekend, and she broke the news to Beau as best she could, how he has a dad that loves him very much and will take care of him. She was ready to go, but it was so painful leaving the light of her life.
Linda will be missed. It's a shame a lovely young life like that would have to go so suddenly. It's the way life is sometimes, there are no guarantees.
Except that we also get sweet new little ones helping us cope.
BabyCake Jones is proof of the goodness we can expect. We none of us know how long we have on this earth, so hug your loved ones, say I love you often. You just never know.
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